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What is Biblical Generosity?
Biblical generosity is grounded in God’s extravagant love: eternally, in the love that exists between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the beginning, God created humankind in his image out of his own generosity. Therefore, as image-bearers, we are…
Cornerstone 2nd Quarter 2024 Commentary
A Hollowing Out… As for it being different this time it is different every time. The question is in what way, and to what extent Bob Farrell’s Rules for Investing: #3 There are no new eras – excesses are never…
Summary of the 2024 ACGA Conference
This summary details the key takeaways from the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) Conference held in Houston, Texas April 29 – May 1, 2024. Cornerstone Management was the official sponsor. ACGA Gift Annuity Rates Update: Leadership Keynote: Sessions:
Cornerstone 1st Quarter 2024 Market Commentary
“Bäume wachsen nicht in den Himmel.” – or “Trees don’t grow to the sky.” Lately it seems like they do! The first quarter of 2024 once again challenged growth stock skeptics like us as Big Tech raced higher, and, in…
Asset Manager Interview Series: Robin John – Eventide Asset Management
We at Cornerstone Management are pleased to release the third installment of our Faith-Driven Asset Manager Interview series. In this series, we are speaking to those leading the way in making Biblically Responsible Investing strategies available to investors. Winters Richwine,…
Interview with Bob Doll of Crossmark Global Investments
We at Cornerstone Management are pleased to release the second installment of our Faith-Driven Asset Manager Interview series. In this series, we are speaking to those leading the way in making Biblically Responsible Investing strategies available to investors. Winters Richwine,…
What is an Investment Policy Statement?
An investment policy statement, or IPS for short, is a governing document for an investment portfolio. It outlines the purpose and goals for the assets, describes any limitations in place, and includes a recommended asset allocation. In some cases, investment…
Rallying Cry for 2024
The start of a new year is a great opportunity to renew your focus on what matters. One practice that many organizations have found meaningful is to adopt a rallying cry for the year. This is a word or phrase…
Looking for a partner to help manage your financial assets?
Cornerstone 3rd Quarter 2024 Commentary
The triumph of “les autres”… When investment decisions need to be considered at the speed of light, something is seriously wrong Frank M Bifulco (Barron’s Letters to the Editor 5-24-2010, Stock Trader’s Almanac) The game is lost only when we…