
A collection of articles contributed by Cornerstone team members on selected topics.

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Summary of the 2024 ACGA Conference

This summary details the key takeaways from the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) Conference held in Houston, Texas April 29 – May 1, 2024. Cornerstone Management was the official sponsor. ACGA Gift Annuity Rates Update: Leadership Keynote: Sessions:

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Cornerstone 1st Quarter 2024 Market Commentary

“Bäume wachsen nicht in den Himmel.” – or “Trees don’t grow to the sky.” Lately it seems like they do!  The first quarter of 2024 once again challenged growth stock skeptics like us as Big Tech raced higher, and, in…

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Faith-Driven Asset Manager Interview Series: An Interview with Robin John of Eventide Asset Management

We at Cornerstone Management are pleased to release the third installment of our Faith-Driven Asset Manager Interview series.  In this series, we are speaking to those leading the way in making Biblically Responsible Investing strategies available to investors. Winters Richwine,…

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Interview with Bob Doll of Crossmark Global Investments

We at Cornerstone Management are pleased to release the second installment of our Faith-Driven Asset Manager Interview series.  In this series, we are speaking to those leading the way in making Biblically Responsible Investing strategies available to investors. Winters Richwine,…

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What is an Investment Policy Statement?

An investment policy statement, or IPS for short, is a governing document for an investment portfolio.  It outlines the purpose and goals for the assets, describes any limitations in place, and includes a recommended asset allocation.  In some cases, investment…

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Rallying Cry for 2024

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to renew your focus on what matters. One practice that many organizations have found meaningful is to adopt a rallying cry for the year. This is a word or phrase…

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Cornerstone 4th Quarter 2023 Commentary

“Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, for you do not know what evil will be on the earth.” — Ecclesiastes 11:2 “As I have repeatedly said, inflation is a form of taxation without representation.” – Milton Friedman “Lenin…

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Interview with Matt Monson

The Chief Operating Officer of Cornerstone Management, Winters Richwine, conducted this interview with Matt Monson from Sovereign’s Capital. Tell us about your professional background.  How did you connect with Sovereign’s Capital? I have a background in investment banking, private equity,…

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Funding a Charitable Gift Annuity from an IRA

Donors have been asking for years if a charitable gift annuity can be funded from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Until Congress passed the SECURE Act 2.0 of 2022, the donor would have to take an IRA distribution, pay the…

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