
A collection of articles contributed by Cornerstone team members on selected topics.

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Options, Tomahawks & Taper Light

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.-Jonathan Swift It is football season, and in the South we take our football seriously.  Regardless of whether one is talking about a group of seven year olds running a…

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Extreme Relativism

The inherent vice of Capitalizm is the unequal sharing of blessings.  The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. – Winston Churchill We live in a relativistic world; one in which toleration is the highest form of…

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Tapers, Capers & Papers

One can hardly look at the Papers these days without being bombarded with the activities of two seemingly unrelated entities.  The NFL and the Federal Reserve would, on the surface, appear to have little in common.  After all the FED…

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An Absence of Shalom

FEW THINGS ARE MORE EVIDENT in today’s society than an absence of shalom. We see it in the lack of peace throughout the world; we see it in the failure of our marriages; and perhaps most importantly, we see it in…

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Investment Paralysis

Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame. -Proverbs 13:18a Few people we talk with these days have much positive to say about the stock market, the economy, or even the direction of our nation.  Recent events have done little…

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Embracing Divine Guidance in Financial Uncertainty

I recently found myself in Paris at a European investment conference. There were a number of notable speakers in attendance and over thirty countries were represented. Senior economic advisors to two governments, prestigious academics, and global investment strategists were included among a…

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