
A collection of articles contributed by Cornerstone team members on selected topics.

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Highlights from the ACGA Conference

The American Council on Gift Annuities’ (ACGA’s) primary activity is to publish suggested maximum charitable gift annuity rates, and they have been doing so since 1927. ACGA holds a biennial conference. Here are some highlights from the April 2016 conference…

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The Most Adaptable of Gifts

Charitable Gift Annuities (“CGAs”) are a wonderful split interest gift arrangement.  The donor receives an income stream, receives an income tax deduction, and if the CGA is funded with appreciated assets, is able to avoid a portion of the capital…

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Funding a Charitable Remainder Trust with Real Estate

As real estate values have come back into prominence as a significant component of one’s net worth, real estate has increasingly become the asset of choice as the funding vehicle for use with the Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT).  This brief…

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The Madness of March

For every finish–line tape a runner breaks—  complete with the cheers of the crowd and the clicking of hundreds of cameras—there are the hours of hard and often lonely work that rarely gets talked about. -Grete Waitz For basketball fans,…

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The Road to Oz Part II

And I’ll stand there with the Wizard…When people see me, they will scream for half of Oz’s favorite team: The Wizard and I! –Elphaba, Wicked—The Broadway Musical For those of you not familiar with the storyline of the Broadway musical…

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The Road to Oz

A place where there isn’t any trouble.  Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto?  There must be.  It’s not a place you can get to by a boat or a train.  It’s far, far away.  Behind the moon,…

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The Wise Overseer

As Published June 2014 – Focus on the Family FAMILYWISE NEWSLETTER Sometimes the most fertile fields are those that have lain fallow for years, but sometimes fields that have been neglected produce quite the opposite effect.  Neglect and mismanagement can drain…

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A Peddler of Dead Souls

“Oh troika, winged troika, tell me who invented you? Surely, nowhere but among a nimble nation could you have been born in a country which has taken itself in earnest and has evenly spread far and wide over half of…

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The Sound of Silence

The reason why so few people are agreeable in conversation is that each is thinking more about what he intends to say than what others are saying. -Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld We are overwhelmed by silence!  The quarter ended…

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