Summary of the 2024 ACGA Conference

This summary details the key takeaways from the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) Conference held in Houston, Texas April 29 – May 1, 2024. Cornerstone Management was the official sponsor. ACGA Gift Annuity Rates Update: Leadership Keynote: Sessions:

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Is GameStop a Game Changer?

The recent move in GameStop has raised eyebrows and set the social media world on fire.  Like most fires, once the wind begins fanning the flames, the fire spreads and others begin to take notice!  In today’s hyperconnected world, those “others” include FINRA, the SEC, stock exchanges, clearinghouses, and custodians.  Of course, we wouldn’t want…

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Reflections 4.17.20

In lieu of a typical commentary on markets and the economy, we thought something a bit different might be helpful. Consequently, we are sharing a few short thoughts on decision making in times of uncertainty. We all like to think we are rational and that we make rational decisions on a regular basis. Perhaps in…

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Insight for Nonprofits on the CARES Act

Cornerstone would like to make available the following links to some helpful resources on the CARES Act from the accounting firm CapinCrouse, a leading provider to nonprofit organizations. Key Provisions of the CARES Act How the Paycheck Protection Loan Program Applies to Nonprofit Organizations As always, our team at Cornerstone is available to assist you…

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Cornerstone Covid-19 Response and Business Continuity Plan

As a Registered Investment Advisor, Cornerstone Management is required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to maintain a business continuity plan to be implemented in the event of a range of potential significant business disruptions (SBDs).  We have updated our plan to further incorporate the unique impact of the Covid-19 outbreak and the current response…

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Highlights from the ACGA Conference

The American Council on Gift Annuities’ (ACGA’s) primary activity is to publish suggested maximum charitable gift annuity rates, and they have been doing so since 1927. ACGA holds a biennial conference. Here are some highlights from the April 2016 conference – Frank Minton, Ph.D., author of Charitable Gift Annuities: the Complete Resource Manual, shared the…

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The Wise Overseer

As Published June 2014 – Focus on the Family FAMILYWISE NEWSLETTER Sometimes the most fertile fields are those that have lain fallow for years, but sometimes fields that have been neglected produce quite the opposite effect.  Neglect and mismanagement can drain a field of nutrients or lead to an infestation of weeds, like thistles or briars. …

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An Absence of Shalom

FEW THINGS ARE MORE EVIDENT in today’s society than an absence of shalom. We see it in the lack of peace throughout the world; we see it in the failure of our marriages; and perhaps most importantly, we see it in a fallen world searching for something -anything – to fill the void inside the hearts…

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Investment Paralysis

Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame. -Proverbs 13:18a Few people we talk with these days have much positive to say about the stock market, the economy, or even the direction of our nation.  Recent events have done little to reassure us that the future is indeed bright.  A slow-down in China, outright recession…

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Embracing Divine Guidance in Financial Uncertainty

I recently found myself in Paris at a European investment conference. There were a number of notable speakers in attendance and over thirty countries were represented. Senior economic advisors to two governments, prestigious academics, and global investment strategists were included among a glittering array of speakers. While the primary theme of the conference was global economic trends and…

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